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외국인 쉐어 (사진) > 부동산

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+ 호주소식 + 교민사회(퀸즈랜드) + 사고팔기 + 구인/구직 + 부동산 + Q&A/자유게시판 + 여행/유학 + 포토갤러리 + 전문가칼럼 + 비지니스 + 업소록 + 쿠폰할인 이벤트 + 공지사항

부동산 목록

골드코스트 | 외국인 쉐어 (사진)

페이지 정보

작성자 외쿡인쉐어 (124.♡.83.16) 작성일2015-07-30 13:53 조회381회 댓글0건


47 Riverwood Dr. Ashmore

Preferrably female students or working students.
We are looking for someone reasonably reliable and tidy.

The house is a 4 bedroom 3 bathroom fully furnished house.

Living downstairs in the master-room will be myself and my teenage son. Upstairs has three bedrooms -
Largest room:
$250 per week (queen size bed)
Second room:
$220 per week (double size bed)
Smallest room:
$150 per week (single bed)

What you will get:
- study desk
- bed with linen
- space to place/hang clothing
- balcony with park and river views
- large shower/bath
- two handwash basins
- toilet
- open kitchen (welcome to use all utensils in the house)
- welcome to use loungeroom area downstairs
- there is also a loungeroom area upstairs
- also welcome to use toilet downstairs
- bus stop (3 minute walk) goes directly to southport, nerang station, pacific fair

You will be sharing the bathroom/shower area between three people in total. No one else will be going upstairs besides the three staying upstairs, so there is no need to worry about privacy invasion!

For further information or if you have any questions, please leave a message on 0450 501 162.

Thank you!
추천 0 비추천 0


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