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*Free English Friendship group* > 구인구직

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+ 호주소식 + 교민사회(퀸즈랜드) + 사고팔기 + 구인/구직 + 부동산 + Q&A/자유게시판 + 여행/유학 + 포토갤러리 + 전문가칼럼 + 비지니스 + 업소록 + 쿠폰할인 이벤트 + 공지사항

구인구직 목록

골드코스트 | *Free English Friendship group*

페이지 정보

작성자 chris 작성일2015-01-22 07:18 조회352회 댓글1건


Hi, I want to invite you to the weekly friendship group.
Many people hope to improve their English however live in an environment where
they don't have any friends or group to practice speaking English. We want to help you.
Me and my husband in early 30s run a weekly meeting, gathering about up to 10 people,
we eat together, play game, get to know each, and also learn to grow in our Christian faith.
We belong to a local church with various nationalities, and you are very welcome to come visit us, You don't have to be a christian to join.

Tonight (thursday) we are meeting at night (at southport) for the Australia day special edition,
it will be fun. Please email me with brief introduction and contact detail,
we hope to get to know you and have good fun together!


ps. Griffith or Tafe student, international student welcome.


dd님의 댓글

dd 작성일


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